Friday, December 30, 2011

A lovely Christmas!

I had a wonderful Christmas back in Worcester with my family and friends.  I took a few phone snaps.
1. My Mum's beautiful fireplace in her new house. 2. All of my presents for others. 3. My dog Pickle. I miss him. 4. Strawberry Beer. I'm a bit obsessed with fruit beers since going to Belgium. 5. I found this teddy hanging from my Mum's tree. He has a funny face.  6. The comfiest sheepskin slippers ever. A gift from my Mum. 7. A beautiful Lush Christmas bath. So sparkly! 8. Cybercandy goodies. Yum!

I was really lucky to receive some amazing presents this year. Awkward family pet photos and bacon candy canes being the highlights.

I'm off to Thorpeness in Suffolk tomorrow to stay in a cottage with my friends for new year.  I suppose I should start working on some resolutions.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have an amazing New year!


P.S There is 10% off everything in my Etsy store for the whole of January. Just use the code HAPPYNEWYEAR.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Lust List!

1. This is my perfect coat but it is not my perfect price. From Sandro. 2. Beautiful silver arrow earrings from Datter. 3. The perfect bag for me from Maude and Tilda. 4. Beautiful bowls from Young Alexander. 5. Perfectly warm and snuggly slippers from The White Company. 6. I'm decorating our bedroom in the new year and this print would go perfectly with how I imagine our room to look. By Double Merrick. 7. Cute bunny earrings from Wolf and Moon. 8. i love these watches from O clock. Lovely and simple.

I apologise for my blog being predominantly things to buy recently. I have been a bit of a hermit and been keeping myself busy with knitting up orders and browsing the web. I hope to be more exciting over the next couple of weeks.


Friday, December 9, 2011

Smug & Howkapow

Today I have discovered two wonderful online stores.  They are both just so lovely that I felt compelled to share.


SMUG is the brainchild of Lizzie Evans.  She has a store in Camden passage which looks gorgeous but she also sells her wares on-line. I don't think she sells a single thing that I don't like.


Howkapow is a design shop featuring colourful and unique gifts from the best new and independent designers. It is full of pretty!


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Phone snaps of the week

Top row: My home made crochet snowflake bunting and my new bunny lamp (a Christmas present to myself)
Middle row: Our Christmas tree. Not real sadly as Sprout will eat it.
Bottom row:  My lovely Poinsettia, which I am really trying not to kill and Sprout keeping warm by our awesome 80's radiator. The radiator is the same age as me.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Flickr favourites for my favourite time of year.

Ghost Trees


Walking through winter

christmas chior

christmas 2007

christmas barn

Winter Meal

Lampadaire sour la neige

 Click on the photo to be taken to its source


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas Order dates

So the weather has turned and Christmas is just around the corner so if you want to order anything from Oh Knit to arrive in time for Christmas then please order before Friday 9th in the UK and Wednesday 7th (tomorrow) for the rest of Europe.  Sadly it is now too late for the rest of the world.


P.s Illustration is from here
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